The Field: My Interaction with Reality
The Relevant Field
happiness through life. How you pursue that happiness is shaped by the that you have chosen as most suitable.
are distinct methods for a person to experience a form ofA moment's thought reveals that there are only two things that have the power to spoil my happiness: my self and the reality within which I find myself. So interaction with reality is the field within which operate. That fits perfectly with the origin of the in the , which is about interacting with reality so as to change it.
The TET, via its two Axes, must represent this field and enable focus on the two happiness spoilers. Remember that in a TET:
► X-axis = | the desired objective output or result | |
► Y axis = | the personal requirement for producing the output |
Specifying the Axes
The Objective Output
The desired result of each
must involve putting the pains, stresses and difficulties of everyday life into perspective so that they cease causing unwanted distress. I emphasize «unwanted», because not all expect comfort or even tranquillity. However, each expects that whatever distress occurs should be tolerable and meaningful in its own terms.The transcendence. Because lies within the transcendental section
of the , a is well-placed to provide this facility.
Only THEE Typologies focus on achieving temporal goals that are reality-based and require full engagement.
are dedicated to distancing one's self from current reality. All other
In plotting the transcendence of current realities.
, we will therefore consider the degree to which each enables and requiresX-Axis = Transcendence of Current Reality
The Personal Requirement
These happiness» fits. It makes a chosen difficult, nearly impossible, to resist. So we find ourselves, willy-nilly, striving to accommodate and pursue the .
seem to exert some control over our lives that feels «100% natural» and «fully right». That is why the term «
However, paradoxically, all
simultaneously demand that our personal desires and preferences take second place. These desires are partial or temporary, or survival focused, or about social approval, while the is about our whole life, now and forever.To Repeat: The insistent demand of a Re Terms ►
In plotting the
, we will therefore consider just how detached they require us to be from our own preferences, motivations and tendencies.Y Axis = Detachment from the Ego/Self
This proposition for the X and Y axes generates the initial TET image. shown at right.
Now commence plotting the Quests.
Originally posted: 13-Jul-2012.